


So this month we voted via FAX.
I didn't have time to wait on our internet to set up EFAX or something,
so I used the land line.
It cost us 102.65 Kina ($50 USD approx) to get our votes counted. Normal
telephony dialing internationally costs about $2.50 p/minute

Currently we're at $25 per vote.
So if you read this, and then vote because of it, it drops the overall
price down.

Just letting you know, we may not live in-country, but we care enough to
vote from abroad, because what happens affects us all. I don't like
getting political on my blog because that isn't its purpose, but I'm a
very politically minded person, and so spending some money this way was
important to us.

You can guess why when I see folks not voting, who only have to drive 5
minutes and it's free for them, plus they get a cool sticker we don't
get, and get to live the experience.... well I get a little impatient.
When I see people dying in other countries for the right to vote, and
yet I hear more than 60% of my generation isn't voting?.... I get a
little sad.

How much would you pay for the right to have your voice heard? How much
trouble would you go through?