

The Net Gag

Last week I scheduled with one department to upgrade their network from a 100mb fibre link to a 1000mb fibre link.

I asked them to alert the department as to the time we had agreed on.
I was sick today, but because of the scheduled upgrade, I decided to go in for the upgrade.

I went in, and began the upgrade, and the head of the department came up to me and said,
"Chad, our network is down, it's a good thing you're here."
I didn't recognize he was joking until another came and said,
"chad, good to see you, the network jsut went down... can you fix it."
I'm starting to catch on
then another
"Oh hi, Chad, hey, since you're here, the network jsut went down, can you look at it."

I was playing along the whole time, not sure if they were joking or not. But then later they told me "yes we knew." They decided to have a little fun with me.

The department was LCORE. This is the language center of the universe here. It is where all the braniac translator geeks hang out.

I appreciated the fun, but sometimes, translator humor is a tad too subtle for me (-;