

Directing Email

Saturday I got a call from the head honcho, the director.
He was leaving for Thailand and had a number of problems with his email.

Normally we aren't asked to work Saturdays, but my option was to work at 6am monday before he got on his flight, so I opted for the Saturday night.

After about 3 hours of work, absent mindedly missing dinner, and one network emergency, we got it up and running so he will be able to stay in communication while in Thailand.

While I felt foolish that it took a whole 3 hours, I realized that of all the people he called, the director did call me.

There are some days when you think "God what am I doing here, am I really being that effective?"

and then days like this come along when He says, "yes, yes you are, jsut keep plugging along, you'll make mistakes, but it's good you are there."

It is very affirming when He does this and I give Him all the credit for knowing the right times to give me a challenge.