

Learning New Things

one of the questions put to me by myself and others before I left was
"how are you going to stay technically up to date?"

Honestly I've never worried about that, I've always seen whatever I'm doing as what God is having me do right now, and He has a reason so it'll all work out. I've seen plenty of evidence that the things I have learned have been put to me by God to do something else with later.

Well besides the fact that there are a lot of very intelligent people here whom I can learn much from, I can also learn new technologies or "new to me" from those who are here.

In many areas of tech there is the old guru. The guy who understands an older technology that the company relies on, but no one new has bothered to learn. There are a lot of people around here I can learn from in THAT regard.

But today, I learned for the first time how to "splice" fibre cable.

We didn't use a fusing technique, instead we uses a light conducting gel with connector. Still it was very interesting to learn and do.

I learned this from a man who has been here for ten years. So I guess the real question is.. how did HE stay up to date? (-;