

Beef Crackers

When I first arrived here I was told that one of the foods that typifies the region is the "Beef Cracker". So I tried one.

Disgusting. That was in 2004, and again when we arrived here last year.

Still every so often I'd try one... and.... blech!

I was regaled with stories of youth who loved them, and folks who when on furlough ordered them by the case because they missed the food.

Still, I couldn't stand these things, but what is worse, I couldn't really imagine ever having a fondness for this food.

I thought, "well maybe something has to change to my fundamental chemical makeup before I can like these."

I figured if I ever did like them, that would be evidence that the water here has mutated me.

This month, I began to have an urge for something salty and crackery.. and I didn't know why.

So I tried the cracker again. Yuck. But... not as bad.

It's been 30 days now, and I've eaten a package of these crackers once a day for snack at 3pm each day. I really like these crackers.

I have no idea what's changed, if I've in fact mutated... but these crackers are really tasty to me now.

hmmn.. I wonder if I'll enjoy brussel sprouts now.