

What I do #1

I decided to try a new recurring thread called 'What I do'. (at least I hope it's recurring... I'll try to make it so)
because when people ask me what I do, I find that there are a whole lot of answers to that question.
It's best to focus on one answer at a time.

AUDIO - Post Production
I turn this:

into this:

Someone (if not me) has recorded some material for the village to be heard.  Most often it's Scripture in their heart language.

The above is Matthew Chapter 12 in the Onobasulu language.  The Onobasulu live in the Southern Highlands and at last count there were 1000 native speakers of this language. 

In post production work, I take out the mistakes, the multiple takes, and match the spoken word to the written Word.  But how do I do that?  I don't speak Onobasulu!  I take the Scripture in front of me, and listen, and can most often read it phonetically even though I have no idea what I'm reading unless I open up an English version at the same time.  I'm checking for mistakes and errant sounds.

-I remove rooster crows
-I remove dog barks
-I remove mistakes
-I lessen the pops that 'P's make
-I dullen sharp "S" sounds
-I remove long pauses

(for those who took Prof. Nash's editing course at Biola, you all remember 'the..purpose...of...editing....' speech he gave.)

What I can't fix is when people pronounce the words wrong, which has to be caught by the people who speak the language... and when it's caught... I fix it.

Finally, I make it all sound good enough for FM radio, but most often it's heard over a small audio player.
I learned how to do all of this decades ago in college, and then updated my learning a few months ago.  So I'm not nearly as elite as some of the pro's, but what I lack in perfection, I make up for in production speed.

I've been averaging 3 chapters a day since I took this job, which is a tremendous amount of output when you consider that we have a year backlog of work to do.

I am finding it incredibly satisfying to be able to go home at the end of the day and say 'Today, I completed 3 Chapters of Matthew for Audibible!'  or 'Today  I put a box of 30 players in the hands of the translator who is taking it out to the village next week!'

next in what I do thread: - recording!