

Paradise Matches

one of the private jokes of living in PNG is how bad the wood matches are. we have 2 brands available... Paradise and King wooden matchsticks.

They rarely light, and quickly blow out in zero wind.... so we mock the matches.

Well, to all those reading in Ukarumpa...

I discovered I had a box in my toiletry bag. (to be honest when they asked me if I packed anything explosive I said 'no' because I forgot they were there... but wasn't lying because they were Paradise matches... pa dum ta!)

Well here's the news....

they work GREAT!
they light well.. they burn well... they simply work wonderfully. The first time I struck one I thought 'wow, that was easy... WOW it's burning bright!... it will burn itself out before it reaches my fingers though.... WOW they didn't!!!!'

I'm guessing folks, it has to do with the altitude, since I'm down here nearly at sea level.