

12 trees of Christmas

Today was the a day off of school so my wife and daughter and house guest
joined forces with another family to head into Kainantu for some used
clothes shopping. I stayed back for work.About an hour into their absence,
a tremendous rain storm hit for around 2 hours. Our dog cowered in fear of
the intense thunder and lightning.

AT 4pm my cell phone rang, it was my wife. She explained they were heading
home but a tree was down over the road and could I come and get them?

So I dropped what I was doing, prepared myself as usual (I have an emergency
kit for such occasions, water,oil,cash,etc in the car), jumped in our 1991
Diesel Trooper, and headed down the road.
All along the way people were telling me the road was out, which I knew.

About fifteen minutes later, I arrived at quite a sight. A row of cars
stood waiting on this side of a massive muddy washout. Electric lines were
downed by fallen trees, and I couldn't see beyond the bend to see my wife
and children. Soon enough they came trapsing across the way.

They told me that there were 12 downed trees, all in the same expanse of
about 100 yards. The driver unloaded the women and girls and they hiked
across to find new rides home. Then he went back and put his van in a
secure location and would return by nightfall via PMV (public transportation
I think I've blogged about before).

All in all, everyone got home safe, had to leave their used clothing
purchases behind, but they are home safe now, and that is what matters.

We're all glad this adventure ended well. It's PAR for the course here, you
never know what's going to happen.

Thanks to God that this adventure has a happy ending, people home safely.

kaboom!!! as I write this, the thunder is deafening. I mean, make-you-duck-because-you-think-a-truck-just-crashed-into-your-house loud.