

Wifi E-vangelism

I'm not a bumper sticker guy, I don't wear t-shirts.  I get that people share parts of their personality via these mediums, I never have.

Recently, wherever I go, I'm joining a wifi on my iPhone.  And man there is a list of dozens of wifi networks to choose from.  These days you have to tell people your SSID as well as the wifi password to join.  Back in PNG and in my day, you didn't have to say the SSID, because there was only 1 in range.

So I got this silly idea, of course I haven't done it.. but...

since your neighbors are all forced to scroll down this long list of wifi SSID's why not take a cheap wifi device that handles Multi-SSID, and make a message out of the SSID's?

something like:

every time anyone who lives there or visits the area, joins a device, they'll see that little message, and maybe call me . (-;

I've not done it, but it's an idea I'm toying with.  I'm sure it would take tweaking to make it actually alphabetically sort properly.  I'm sure some annoyed neighbor might name theirs 00AA00_MySSID
or something to get around it.

But still, it struck me as a yet-unused-medium that one might express oneself through.