

Pontification on How the Heart Works

I've talked a bit on this blog about saying 'goodbye' and the hole it leaves in the heart.  Today I want to talk about saying 'hello' to old friends whom you haven't seen in a while.  It fascinates me how God made us.  Sometimes you can not know how much you miss a person until you see them.  Then suddenly when you see them, your heart fills overjoyed and full just seeing their face.

The more I age the more I become convinced of the fact that God moves through people and relationships.

It is an uncanny little miracle to me, that simply walking through a door, and seeing a face that your heart suddenly feels like bursting with joy.  Every moment with that person or people fills like your heart is filling up, and overflowing.

Sometimes it is people you've been missing for a long time, and are anticipating a grand reunion.   But other times, it's just old friends that you have gotten used to not seeing, and then when you see them again, you're ambushed by how happy it makes you.

The impact of it is so strong that I'm always taken by surprise.  After a visit with such people, friends, family, whomever it is, you may completely forget all the details of the conversations you had, but your heart retains the memory of their presence.  For days, weeks, and even years afterwards I might stop and think 'wow that was SO good to see them again.'  Just the memory of it, can fill you up a little bit again.

It's like being hungry and not knowing you're hungry until you taste some really good fruit or something and you realize it tastes so good because you haven't had it in a while.  The hunger increases the flavor.  But with your heart and people.

It is this phenomenon that convinces me of two things:
1  - I would never be able to see God's face in human form.  I  think my heart would literally explode at the joy it would bring.  I suspect my soul hungers for him much deeper than I realize.
2  - When I do get to see my Savior face to face, it's going to be more joy than I can currently comprehend.  And I can currently comprehend a lot of joy.

The idea of eternity used to boggle me, and even make me a bit anxious.  But these little reunions with friends, bring me peace about it, and remind me 'heaven is going to be SO awesome!'.