

4 hours turning 7 days into 5 minutes

Yesterday, I was asked to reconfigure an audibible after it was already
finished. That means moving hundreds of files into subfolders, which
would be about about 7 days of work if I did it manually. (okay possible
I'm over exaggerating, but to do this repeated hundreds of times....
seemed like something I could automate) So I've spent the last 4 hours
of work writing a naming standard, and a recording standard and then
scripting it out on my linux machine so that the computer does it all
for me 4 hours turning 7 days into 5 minutes.

So right now, as I type this, on my Windows machine, my MAC is rendering
a video, and my linux machine is converting WAV to OGG, renaming,
sorting, and shuffling into sub folders hundreds of language recorded files.

What I thought was going to be a LOT of work, turned into something I
could use technology to automate because I know how. And now I can use
these scripts for all future projects and be able to quickly turn out
higher quality work, the same way, every time.

That's technology improving Bible translation.

we're MASS communicatin!