


I listened to Francis Chan last night preach (via .mp3 file) on 'what do
you do that has eternal significance?'.
And I thought 'Every thing I do here, has eternal significance, and
everyone who supports us to be here, is doing things with eternal

Today was a banner day.
-I trained a translator how to record audio Scripture.
-I setup the recording studio to begin 5 weeks of recording the spoken
BOLA New Testament
-I mastered and burned 3 DVD's of a LUKE video
-I passed my first quality exam for an Audio version of Luke
-I received 2500 new AudiBibles, pictured here. 2500! Our typical
order is 1500, but we blew through that in 3 months. That's right, 1500
Audio Bibles went through our doors into the hands of PNGians.

That's a Lot of Bibles!!!
2500! WOW... look at all those boxes! I better stop blogging and get
to work. I got to put Scripture on all of those!