

Some Photos


This is our new puppy. Did you know female dogs could have multiple sires? Well this puppy is the giant of the litter of 4. His brothers and sisters are black and look more like german shepherds. He is 1/2 German Shepherd, and a mix of retriever of some kind. We're hoping he'll be a good guard dog and good family dog. We pick him up on valentine's day. He's gonna be a BIG dog. Name possibilities are: (guess who chose which ones)
Bruno, Shredder, Princess, Woz (for wasman which means guardian, and of course.. the Woz)

This is a rhinoceros beetle, found very commonly here. They like damp areas and are very fun to play with as they HISS as loudly as a cat if bothered. They cling tenaciously to almost anything.

This is a mobile bakery. You don't see this very often, "fast" food here is called a "kai bar" and it sells rolls and snacks and meat pies and such. You take your chances. This one however, is a mobile unit obviously run by some motivated entrepenours.

HEY!!! There's a baby in that bilum! Yes, kids are carried around in many ways, not the most uncommon of which is inside a sack called a "bilum" attached to a head.