


When I was attending a Bible camp in high school, someone challenged us
to write a 'spiritual timeline'. Putting significant events in our
lives in order.

The visual of it had forever stayed with me.

Sometimes there were dips or valleys, other times there were peaks.

Most of the valleys were times when I wasn't as devoted to spending time
with God. (prayer, Bible reading, taking our relationship seriously).

Most of the peaks were times when I had been closer to God and He did
something awesome in my life.

One think I noticed along that timeline, is that God didn't change, but
I did.

I'm really not one for these common and cheesy christian phrases, like
"Trust in prayer, God is faithful!" but there is often truth in them (I
still don't like myself for saying them.)

A short while ago I watched the Kendrick brothers movie "The War Room".
If you are familiar with these films, they are usually well produced,
sometimes a little bit more smooth than edgy. (I am trying to avoid
saying they are cheesy. Well done, occasionally cheesy, but overall
some of the best 'christian' films ever made.)

This movie reminded me of that spiritual timeline. It reminded me that I
need to recommit myself to prayer. Life got a little busy, I wasn't
praying as earnestly as I had been accustomed to. And, not
surprisingly, life was getting a little overwhelming.

But after the prompting of the film, I got back into it again. Daily
spending time with God, on the weekends spending MORE very pointed
prayer time with God.

The end result is I started seeing immediate answer to prayer again and
started feeling more confident and happy.

Every valley, or dip on that timeline has been the same for me, the only
thing that ever pulls me out of one, is getting closer to my savior.
Every time I do, I think 'I'm such a fool for neglecting this
relationship, why did I let that happen?'

The enemy doesn't really need that much prompting to get us off track.
Life is busy, and it can very easily overwhelm us if we neglect the
delicate balance of being IN the world but not OF the world.