


Some months ago, we were contacted about a possible scholarship to Hume Lake Christian camps for our kids.  Long story short, thanks to the generosity of others, we were able to send both our kids to Hume Lake.

If you don't know of this camp, well imagine the perfect hollywood camp experience, throw in a heavy concentration on moving the youth towards a meaningful relationship with Christ, and you've got a healthy image of what Hume is.

Today camp ended and we got to hear the kids stories.

You could tell almost immediately by the change in them that camp was an unforgettable experience.  Further than that, we were praying that our kids would connect with some others their age so that they can make friendships while they are here in the U.S. before returning to PNG.  We wanted them to get plugged in.

It sounds as if they had.  Because right now, they'll on their computers 'friending' all the new kids they met.

The highlights are:
My son got baptized in the lake!!!  
Both kids made new friends
a LOT of kids made decisions to follow Christ
(my kids spent a lot of time talking about the exciting things that happened in the lives of people… they were very excited about people become Christians, and getting baptized and they enjoyed the humorous camp speaker and chapels, etc.)

After all the stories, they said
"we were challenged not to leave God on the mountain… as we come away from camp, to not forget about what we learned and to let it change us and stay with us."

As a parent, who never had a camp experience quite like that, I'm very happy and thankful to all who make such a thing possible.