

God in the Numbers

Money talk time. It's an ever present reality for most everyone. Today
I decided to crunch the numbers and look for patterns, update
spreadsheets, and figure out how much financial support we have to raise
during furlough. Knowing this number will determine exactly how much of
our furlough is spent recovering from a very difficult term in the
field, visiting existing partners and friends, and how much is spent
visiting new places and churches and people.

Kendal's biggest prayer has been that we won't have to spend a lot of
time doing fund raising, because we want to spend time with family.

Today we had the money talk.

See if you see God's hand like I see God's hand.

Over the past 3 years, we've lost some financial support. We've also,
miraculously gained some (almost never happens while in the field). If
you calculate the losses, we dropped from 98.1% of our goal, to 95.8% of
our goal.

But, then if you calculate the additions, we jump right back up to 98.1%
of our goal again!

This means that our decrease was exactly matched, dollar for dollar by
our increase. As God saw people stop giving, He moved in the hearts of
other people to increase giving or to start giving!

That is remarkable to me, it's not even 1 dollar off, it's an identical
match. Amazing.

But that's not all.
Many of you know my affinity for the number 3. "333" is the perfect
number to me. Long story short, I love 3's.

In looking at our new goal, (assessed annually to incorporate the cost
of living increases here).... and you divide that into what we need to
raise monthly, and it's $333 p/month.

Hello!! 333 p/month more has to be raised on furlough. But the coolest
thing is God knows that number is a message to me personally that
everything is going to be alright!!!!

(right now that's a working number, and after a few official meetings
with finance it may go up....) But still, God continues to tell me 'Yes
you're meant to be in PNG, you're doing what I want you to be doing' and
He often does it through the numbers. He speaks to me of His provision
through you, by confirming to me through our numbers the most miraculous

If you know of people we should meet on furlough, churches looking to
take on a new Wycliffe volunteer, etc, please contact us. We're ready
to tell people about the good work going on here in PNG!