

What's that Smell?

This week my wife has been out of town and so I've been doing things around the house.

Since arriving in the U.S. I have felt like the entire place is more... aromatic. Perfumey if you will allow.

My nose is sensitive to fragrances, and often I will sneeze.
All week long I've been thinking 'wow something around me smells like perfume....' my nose has been stuffed up, I've sneezed a lot. No matter what I can't escape this smell.

I figure it must be the carpet, and the cleaners used, because we don't have carpet back in PNG.

Then today, it dawned on me while I was doing my own laundry.

Dryer Sheets.

We don't have a dryer in PNG, we use the sun and clothes lines.

That foreign smell that so many folks here have probably learned to ignore... the overpowering smell of 'clean fragrance' that has been invading my nostrils since we arrived....

is the smell of dryer sheets from clothes dried in drier. It's all over me! I can't outrun it!

I never noticed this smell before moving to PNG.

And to completely candid, it's such a strong smell that I believe the other day no one noticed that I forgot to put on deodorant! Hahhahahaha.. not even me!