

More of the Journey

In the name of full disclosure I thought I might share this.
I work in a room meant for 4 people, alone. My job requires I stay at my desk near the servers most of the time. Which means I get very little social interaction with people all day long. Which means I correspond mostly with people via email.

I've been doing this since July of last year. By myself, corresponding via online means.

It loses the personal touch, and as a result I find myself psychologically ready for furlough, to be among family and friends and re-establish face to face communication.

This week has been an interesting struggle for me in my faith.
Each day this week has brought with it some new financial information.

Monday - we found we need a 30% increase in support in order to return from our furlough.

Tuesday - we found that our insurance costs will go up due to our health insurance company transferring the new Obama costs to their customer

Weds - new policies on center have reorganized how departments do business so departments have had to raise their prices

Thurs - We were told we can no longer write checks here and have to do all financial transactions with the U.S. based entity (as a result there is more paperwork and fees for us to handle finances)

Friday - I sat down in prayer and said 'God, things back in the U.S. are tough. People are losing their jobs, and yet I need to go back on furlough and find new partners to join us financially. God things are changing in this country, the cost of living is going up, but the quality isn't. I'm finding it hard to trust you again financially... I know if you want us here still, you'll provide." I was upset most of the day by these news.. most of that derived from the truth that I can't affect control over the situation. But then I was calmed...

was someone out there praying for us?

Calmed because God has always proven faithful financially. He will provide. And we're so thankful for how you all have been used by Him.

It seems that for 3 years I've been able to not worry about our source of finances, while being the best steward I can be. And then today with all these procedural changes I found myself upset.

God I can't control what this world throws at me. But I can control my attitude.

Thank you for where we are and what we're doing.