

Alice's Picks

For those unaware, Alice is our Papua New Guinean friend. She understands the idea of films and enjoys watching them. From time to time she watches one and gives me a review. Somehow we have developed this rapport where she tells me her reviews.

The funnest part for me, is to see how her eyes interpret the films. We are careful in what we show her, so we usually stick to children's movies.

See if you can guess what movie she's talking about. I always have to guess. I thought at first this one was Looney Tunes.

(translated from Tok Pisin)

This rat and cow and sheep and goat and pig all live in the same place. The mother wanted to kill the pig but her daughter said no. So the daughter took care of the pig. The cow and the sheep and all the animals talked, and then a spider came. How the cow and the sheep could talk to the pig I don't know. But.... it was a funny one!

Charlotte's Web (live action version)

The part I love the most is that she focused on the relationship between the animals and the speaking wasn't the hard part for her, it was how the animals knew each other's languages that was of concern to her. I found that very funny and interesting... being that this is the land of MANY languages.