This weekend we went to LAE, a major city about 2.5 hours driving time away. It gave us a chance to recharge a bit, rest, and swim.
We went into a grocery store, and I have always been interested in their marketing ploys, and I think I've blogged a few.
For example, if you buy a jug of orange juice, it comes packaged with a "free cup".
Sometimes you buy tuna, and it comes with a box of matches.
Of interest to my son was a bottle of cooking oil, packaged with 3 lollipops. He took this to mean you're supposed to coat the lollipops in oil and was disgusted by that thought.
But the winner, and the reason I wish I had a camera on me at all times, was the box of cookies coupled with a free box of rubber bands.
I didn't get the connection, but what is worse was the brand name of the rubber bands.
In BIG RED letters on the side of these crackers was a box that read
First someone in a room said "you know what would REALLY sell these crackers... FREE rubber bands!"
but to have it say "Swallow Rubber Bands".. in the States that'd be a lawsuit waiting to happen. I mean, it was packaged with an edible item no less.