

You never call, you

had an emergency down in the hf-radio site... an hf radio fried a whosit (electronic doodad).. think it's called a relay.

While down there, in this big metal box, I went to call out... to see if I had fixed it... and the phone didn't work.

I opened up the phone... plenty of cockroach evidence behind.

they ate the glue off the ribbon cable that connects the dialer with the phone circuit.

Pushing the numbers wasn't working.

so.. I wiped it clean.. re-attached the cable... bingo.

That right there is a $20.00 phone (cheapy cheapy) saved from being used for parts.

Also... today,
a friend/customer/co-worker came in and said "I need a female to female 3.5mm stereo adaptor"

wouldn't you know it, we were all out.
So I began to search our inventory trying to figure out how to do this. They were trying to rig up a system to show the AIDS awareness video and have sound.

Well, I found one part, that if you added it in conjunction to like 5 other parts, it might work... and then I had this.. "out of the box" moment.

And gave him an odd little end.
"try this"
he looked at it.. and looked and said "aah I getcha..." the translator working next to him said "wow that's really missionary 'out of the box' thinking... I like it!"

later today someone else said "wow that's really thinking out of the box"

so I guess today... was my out-of-the-box day.
