


birds chirping, dogs barking... yawn.. wake up... hearing my wife hiccuping.

I get up, sneak into the kitchen and startle my wife. She does NOT appreciate my efforts. NEVER go with your first impulse when you wake up on Monday morning (-;

We laughed about it, about 30 minutes later.

The kids head off to school, I head off to work, my wife instructs the yard Meri and works around the house (monday is her day at home).

At work I find three couples who are in dire need of their email being changed. People fly in and out all the time.

Discussed reconfiguring the network, wrote a script to help me do so, then checked my email. More work needing done. Was able to fix the new XP desktop for the telephone manager. Back to my desk.

Talk with someone about server configs... lunch time.

WOW this monday is going really well, work is getting done, problems aren't coming left and right like last Monday.

Lunch was nice, went home, ate home-made pizza with my wife, came back to work.

Passed the autoshop, they're closed for stock take, waved hello on the way to several friends.

Back at work.
I turn on a song while I work...
"I am thankful that I'm incapable, of doing any good on my own."

And it hits me, it's a good day, sunny, productive, everything is in harmony... and I'm feeling pretty good about life. And none of it is from my own capabilities. Reminding myself that any good that came of today is from God through me.

Through me.

It's a good day.