


Today I was going around the center, and I saw a group of people who instantly stood out in my mind as "they're new!" I couldn't figure out why I thought that. There is plenty evidence to support the idea that they simply are people I haven't met yet returned from furlough.

And then it dawned on me.

Their clothes were still white and bright. Their shoes were shiny.

If you looked closely, the elastic in their socks still had some stretch.

I thoroughly enjoy that I can not worry about having short hair, fashionable clothing, or even clean pants.

Can you keep a secret?
I have a still-in-the-bag set of socks and underwear that I've been saving for that time when I would really like to wear something new.

It's my emergency underwear.

The thought of that makes me laugh to myself.
Imaginary scenarios come to mind...

"man it's been an "open the new socks" kind of day."
"quick, where did I hide my emergency George Forman's!!! A man's life depends on it!"

Still, there is something about a nice new clean pair of socks. I was wearing a pair that was new only 3 months ago, now stained beige from the mud I got stuck in and in an awful state.

I noticed someone look over at my socks while I crossed my legs and the odds are they were thinking:

"wow, those socks are pretty new!"