we didn't start with worship and my energy level reflects that.
Ever been around a christian who jsut really exudes Christ-likeness to you? Imagine spending an entire week with several of these people, mature people, young people, all strong believers, and then imagine you're discussing the thing you're most passionate about for days on end.
That's this experience.
It's emotional, exciting, tiring, energizing, and really it's a great time. It feels like a home, it feels like how the church is supposed to be. We pray for each other, we share, we learn.
Things I'm learning
-listening - I've found that I am not an active listener, and thus need to work at the discipline of putting away distractions while I listen. It was HARD to do. I kept fidgeting with paperclips and pens. When I'd realize I was doing it, I'd put them down, and then before I knew it they were in my hands again and I didn't remember picking them up.
I confess, there are so many disciplines one must take seriously that I have not.
Perhaps it is my personality, perhaps my culture, but I need to develop these disciplines to be a successful missionary and not get dragged down in spiritual warfare.
Reading the Word - who can't get better at this? I love God's Word but find that I "schedule" it and in PNG we're told that there is no ability to "schedule" a day. One must find time to worship in a daily way that is flexible to people dropping in.
Listening - caring and loving more about what others share than what I feel is important to share. I believe this discipline will be the hardest for me as I get so excited to speak WITH people that I often forget to listen TO them. God has been touching my heart that truly, what I have to say is not near as important as what God wants to tell me through other people. Even when I may disagree with them, God's glory can be shared by listening.
but the content in general is great.
they did a fun thing in culture clas
on each table was a dish with a cover on it saying "do not open"
and we were told that we were all required to eat what was under the dish.
but we would do so at the end of class.
we began to talk about cultural issues,.. etc... but people kept wondering what was under the dish.
and worried about bugs, worms, etc.
at the end, we lift the dish, it's chocolate bar.
the point was, anticipating is often much worse than involving.
The point made by one of the seasoned missionaries about offending other cultures in reference to the "pushy American" syndrome was well put:
-the pushy american refers to the impatient and demaning american tourist who is either insensitive to other cultures or doesn't care. As missionaries we're going to other cultures in love and are trying to be sensitive. We will make mistakes but if you approach each situation in love, you will do well.
Some folks were sharing their different takes on how to handle food situations in as much as not wanting to eat something and how it may offend hosts.
A humorous take was from one of the students:
"Well my friend found that if he invited a guest to places he was invited, in most cultures the "GUEST" is the guest of honor and will be given the "best" part of the food, even if he himself doesn't think it the "best" and can then opt to say "well I brought this person, and they are MY guest, so I will pass this onto them to honor them." and has humorously gotten out of eating odd things.
That was pretty funny.
It is so very interesting to me to watch us all voice what we know to be real and sometimes petty, concerns (will I have to eat bugs) and yet simultaneously be able to trust God for providing for us in impossible ways. You can virtually see the faith of people overcoming the humanity in the class.
By that I mean, someone will voice something and then start to realize "well God can handle that" and they will become calm knowing that others have the same concerns, and see real ways to deal with it, or even hear stories of miraculous ways God took care of that for someone else.
In some ways it's one big encouraging support group.