

Fast Food

no restaurants available around here.

but on market day, they sometimes sell homemade donuts, so you can pick up a bunch of bananas and some donuts.

That's about as FAST as breakfast can get around here.

Often people are nervous about moving here because of the requirements of cooking. They're afraid:
-I have to learn to cook everything from scratch
-with different ingredients
-lacking certain ingredients from time to time
-with no restaurants
-with milk powder

but rest easy.  You don't have to be a great chef to survive.  You can buy pre-packaged and sliced bread, chips in the bag, cereal, buy hamburgers at the store, etc.  Not everyone is an excellent cook, nor needs to be.   (it doesn't hurt, but you can survive).

It's more costly to live like that, but isn't it more costly to live like that anywhere?