Gimpel and Gumby to Papua New Guinea. That was our handles when we were younger, but it became 'going to png' We lived there for over 12 years and are back in the U.S. now adapting to live and viewing life through a much different lens. I rarely update my blog because I tend to be too long winded and I frankly don't know who wants to read this stuff anyway. I'm not sure if my thoughts help the world, but I'm putting it out there just in case it does.
Sports Day.
This is a day once a year when the school (primary) is divided into two teams. Red vs. Yellow. the kids compete in track and field, obstacle courses, crazy inventive games, and generally compete against each other in a healthy environment that encourages team and individual achievement.
Our kids each game home with 3 ribbons of differing places. Most kids go home with at least one, as there are many team events.
The finale, is the tug of war. And although both my kids were on the red team, and behind the yellow, in the end, they won the tug of war, but lost the day.
Still they really enjoyed the day at school without book learning. Of course they enjoy the book learning too.
Pictured above is my daughter after her team won the base run (baseball diamond relay race with batons) and my son in the middle of the rope climb on the obstacle course.