I love the "year in review" stuff on New Years, it helps remind you exactly how much has happened this year.
So at dinner tonight, the family discussed the year, it's hard to imagine it's been a year, and exactly where it all began, but as best we can tell:
-To us-
Spent time in Waxhaw, NC. Saw snow, made a snowman, received training.
Moved to Papua New Guinea
Made new friends
Learned a new language
Celebrated boxing day in a Korean home, and a Finnish home.
Learned some Finnish words.
Became missionaries.
Kids starred in a christmas chapel
Calvin discovered a love for running and soccer.
Sydney blossomed as a social butterfly in many cultures. German, PNG, Finnish children in our yard is a daily thing.
Had a jungle adventure at POC, did lots of hiking and learning.
Went to exotic new places like Lae, Madang, Alotau, Port Moresby, and Australia.
became involved in multiple ministries
generally being good neighbors to people and building relationships
-While we were here-
several bible dedications
showing Jesus video
showing AIDS awareness videos
VITAL training
literacy work in progress
-To Others-
new babies to several families and friends
friends moving to hawaii
family changing jobs
friends remodeling homes
family moving into new home
friends getting engaged
deaths in friends family
medical scares for friends and family
and more
Side Effects:
-not as "up" on pop culture, tv, radio, or movies as we were last year
-can't remember the taste of Taco Bell or real Pepperoni
-missing friends and family
-overall sense of joy and accomplishment
It's been such a great year. Words don't really accomplish the task of communicating the fulfillment that comes from looking at the last year of your life and realizing it's been your best year yet.
I had thought for a long time my best years were behind me. Many people tell you "college will be the best years of your life." and I think personally, that life keeps getting better when you're following the will of God. Marriage, children, family, and the blessings keep coming.
Our prayer at dinner tonight was one of thanks for the blessings of the past year
and for strength for the next year that we would be able to overcome the challenges and be aware of the opportunities, and ever mindful to be thankful for both.
Happy New Year!!!!!