

Newsletter #1

We are dropping our newsletter in the mail soon. To save costs we have put it online and hope that everyone who prefers to read such things online enjoys it.

click here for our newsletter in PDF format
or go here

thank you!

in training camp we were told that for some folks making their newsletter was stressful for them because it is something you do together, and because it is informative as well as creative people have differing styles and facts they want to present. My wife and I actually found this process enjoyable and simple, but perhaps that is because we're an email and blogging generation. The struggle with a newsletter is to be informative, and not boring, to be interesting but not noisy. I'm no graphic artist, so please, as you read it, give us feedback.

For those who want to know we used iWorks'06 -Pages on a Mac to put it together.

__was it informative enough?
__did it catch your eye?
__would you scan this and then throw it away or would you feel you could read the whole thing?
__what could we do to improve it?

thanks for your time, email your comments to

thank you