Vacations aren't the only thing that recharge our batteries. Hobbys, relationships, etc. We're all different.
Batteries are different too. Some have memories, some are alkaline, some can recharge, some can't. Today we returned from a wonderful vacation camping in the woods. As I unpacked I returned over 2 dozen batteries I was carrying around with me that we never used. Even though they're small, the weight adds up.
It got me to thinking.
1. The Planner: knowing the vacation was coming up, I recharged all battery packs, knowing my family may wish to recharge their phones on the trip and being unsure if electricity would be available, I was prepared as the 'dad' to have battery packs and solar panels and spare batteries for whatever needs they might have.
2. The non-planner, pessmimist: someone who brings a battery operated device, and never prepares a way to charge it, and in fact may have left the house with the battery on empty and no charging cable, and then gets angry that they can't charge their device, and complains.
3. The non-planner optimist: someone who assumes someone else is going to plan for them, and brings their device, and then when a charging opportunity presents itself, they're happy.
4. The Uber-planner: someone who keeps everything charged ALWAYS just in case sponteneity strikes. This person keeps spare cables, batteries, etc. around in multiple locations. They charge so far in advance, that the batteries go unused for a month and then they recharge them again just in case. This person may or may not also have a spreadsheet that tracks charging dates.
5. The lucky duck: things always just sort of work out for this person, so they have learned not to plan and just go-with-the-flow.
In this situation, the only combination above that doesn't work out well, is if you combine 2 and 5. If 3 can't charge, they're fine, still optimistic that they will soon be able to charge. But if you put 3 and 5 together, the lucky duck gets really upset at the pessimist for harshing their vibe. No one charges, and everyone is mad at each other.
Who am I?
I'm #4 in some areas, #1 in other areas.
But none of that is my point.
You'll never really know which one you are, until you go do something alone, with no one else to bail you out. That's when you realize "Oh I thought I was a 1 but it turns out I was always camping with a 1 and I'm really a 5".
But one universal truth seems to exist, no matter what number you are, you always bring your phone charger with you. That's your umbilical cord to life!!! Without that, we're all zeros.
(not really, I was being sarcastic).