

saying "goodbyes"

Remember that day when you graduated high school?  Remember saying goodbye to friends?  That was the day I realized I really hated goodbyes.  I find it ironic that I'm living a lifestyle of regular 'goodbyes' and 'see you laters'.
We said some today to some dear friends whom we haven't seen in 8 years.  
Cool thing is, we also get some 'hellos!'

We are currently in Orlando, Florida for a week of 'reentry' training with our organization.  The kids are still doing school in the after hours, but during the daylight they will be going through courses to help them acclimate to the culture, as well as equip them with tools to continue to serve in Papua New Guinea.

Kendal and I will also be attending sessions were we learn the latest and greatest methodologies and technologies and policies, etc.
I'm looking forward to it, which I find ironic because many of you may know, I am not really enthusiastic about school and training.

I've learned over the years however, that most of the training we've gone through, has prepared us well for the trials that come our way on the field.

8 years ago I sat in this very spot, and said 'I don't want to be here, I will never need to know these things.'
Today I sit here and say 'I'm glad they told me those things, I really used them to get me out of sticky spot."

Our plan is to return in July of 2015.  In order to do that, we are equipping ourselves with information.  We also will be attempting to raise support.  (for my thoughts on raising support see archived blog entries).  

In the last 2 weeks we've been to:
California, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Florida.  

We spoke at a church today.  They graciously gave us 5 minutes on a very busy Sunday but they wanted to give us a chance to share.  We utilized our training and were able to get across a message in about 3 minutes.  Afterwards the pastor came up to us and said 'you are real professionals, most missionaries can not get across anything in that short of time, I am very thankful you were so respectful of our time schedule!'.

Who knew… once again I find myself thankful for the training I received.

So, though we said 'goodbye' to some friends today, and it was honestly a bit sad….. we will say hello to new opportunities this week and hello to some friends we haven't seen in several months.

wow, that blog entry was really all over the place… like my thoughts…ha! and my family….   we really need to settle down and stay in one place for a while.