


The name of the woman in the middle is Slyvia.  She is from Aseranka village nearby.  She has been mopping the floors of this department for 3 years.

Today we were recording Revelation in Bola and I heard her outside mopping.  She comes every Friday.  I don't know where the idea came from, but I decided to let Sylvia know how her mopping the floors, was helping in Bible translation.

So I paused the session and went outside.

I told her 'Sylvia, did you know that by keeping this dept. clean you are helping with Bible translation?'

I wanted her to connect her work with being more than a job, but being a ministry.  Some PNGians here work for a paycheck, others volunteer, and others work knowing they could earn more money elsewhere.  They work with a purpose, a mission, and they stay longer because of it.

I wanted Sylvia to understand that.  Having no idea if she has a saving relationship with Christ or not.

She told me 'well yes, I knew that, Dan (my co-worker) explained it to me some time ago.'
I replied, "we're doing a recording session and you're helping with your work."
she answered "I've never seen a recording session."
I returned "Would you like to?"
she smiled big and said "I would, yes I really would!"

I invited her inside, and here she is watching us record chapter 5.  Later she gave me a big smile and thanked me quite a lot.

I am wondering if God did a work in her today... if maybe He was prompting me to have her come in and realize what we do here, and how she contributes.