

Lemons into Lemonaide

Today, we sat down for recording, and the CAM dept, began tilling the roads.
The room began to shake, the microphone was registering all kinds of
we had to call a break.

We are recording ahead of schedule anyway, so we could afford it.

Suddenly I find myself with 4 extra unplanned hours!

YES! I was wondering how to finish the MAIA files in time for their
dedication in June. I was planning on pulling some weekend work coming
up to get it done before June.

Well, thanks to the help of using 2 computers rendering and converting
at the same time.


DONE with my first ever, from beginning to end, they walked into the
door and talked to me first, PROJECT. The first one I didn't inherit,
but was mine from beginning to end. And it's done, and I'm happy with
it, and in a week or so, it'll be out the door with close to 150
AudiBibles to fly themselves into the hands of PNGIANS.

I'm very very glad this 6 month project is completed!