that's the fire.
that's me in full breathing apparatus next to our fire chief (I'm the bigger guy) ready to go in an fight the fire burning inside
that's me busting a hole in the wall of the burning house we were training in.
that's a blurry me, busting in the door with a sledge hammer.
One of the side-jobs I do besides computers, is volunteer with our fire-team. We train once a month on Saturdays.
WE learned a LOT during this training. Also I think we learned that what I'm best at, is knocking holes in walls and busting down doors.
as you would imagine, being INSIDE a burning building with breathing apparatus and fire gear on.. is HOT.. but that GEAR (donated) really does work. The last fire I fought without gear, I couldn't get close enough to help so I worked the outside more. But we're geared up now to where we can go inside... but training taught us, the only reason we would, is if there was someone inside.
At that point, being big and able to carry people is a bonus. I also learned that without a sledge hammer, these walls are constructed such that by sheer mass and force I can knock a hole in one and get out.
Pray we never have do, but we're thankful that we're more skilled and ready if we did have to.