

10 Days of Praise: Day 9

On my mind today is the Nepal quake.  The deathcount is reported at over 4,000.  Yes our organization has people there, and yes they are all safe.  We're told to give thanks to God in all things but events of this magnitude leave me tongue tied, and emotional.

Part of me thinks 'thank God that we didn't lose anyone.'  But then I condemn myself for being so selfish and thinking only of those we know.  What about the loss of thousands we don't know?  How many of them will be with Christ in heaven?  So I can't bring myself to say that out loud.

Part of me thinks 'God is powerful, the Word says his voice shook the earth.  I am reminded that God is not just one sided.  He's powerful.'  But I can't bring myself in the face of a disaster like this to say 'Praise God, because He is powerful!'

I also can't bring myself to say the many things people say at times like this because they mean well but don't know exactly what to say.

And that's when I arrived at how to praise God today.

When we don't know how to pray, don't know what words to say, don't know exactly how to give thanks in a situation that seems thankless, nor praise Him at a time when we may be wondering how He let it happen… God has provided for us.

God has given us His Holy Spirit who intercedes for us.  

In horrible times like this, and many others, my heart desires to be close to God.  I desire to reach out and comfort and help others.  But I'm often stunned and at a loss for how to proceed.

God provided the answer in those times.

Romans 8:26 (NIV) In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.

John 14 calls the Holy Spirit, 'comforter' 'counselor' 'advocate' (depending on your translation).  The original word was 'parakletos' which means 'to comfort, encourage, lend aid.

So today, in the wake of the Nepal quake, when I'm tongue tied, when there are thousands who need encouragement, and aid… 

I PRAISE GOD for the Holy Spirit.

We are told to bear the fruit of the spirit, which, is exactly what people need in their time of….need.  They need love, peace, patience, kindness and goodness.  They need these things.

God knew we were only human.  God knew we'd need help.  Help understanding, help coping, help praying.

He sent us help.

I Praise God for the Helper, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit!

(and I also am trusting that He is interpreting my prayers for Nepal right now).