The project is at 67% and we need to get it to 100%
THIS IS EXCITING! Something exciting is happening here.
The book is written, edited, copy edited, proofed, and ready to send to the publisher.
Artwork needs to be done, formatting, copyrighting, isbn'ing, all kinds of things... but I can't start until I reach 100%.
If I reached 100% before Jan 31, I could cash in on some great publishing promotional offers that I would love to take advantage of, but I'm committed to trusting the Kickstarter community.
If we don't reach 100%, we don't publish. That's been my motto since the beginning. I'm using it as a sign from God, a fleece, if He really wants my book out into the world, and intends to bless it, and get it to people who need to read it, than, He'll provide the funds.
I don't normally throw fleece's to God, in fact, I don't think I ever have in my life. I don't take it lightly. I want very badly for my book to get published, but I've wondered the entire time, if God wanted it done.
Is my book something that will truly benefit people? I think it'll help make people understand those missionaries they support more, help those who support us understand us more, and help those considering to become missionaries, have plenty of information to consider before doing so.
I think those who read this book and then decide to become missionaries, will be the type who stick with it, and bear those hard times. I think it's a useful tool.
But I've wondered if God would bless it. Will He?
That's what this Kickstarter campaign is all about. Showing me, and showing you, that God intended for this book to get written and published. It would be His way of assuring me that all of this journey wasn't only about me crossing an item off my bucket list, but it was instead something He inspired because He intended for someone to read the words within.
I figure, if we don't reach 100% the book wasn't meant to see the light of day.
The project has been sitting still for a while now, but I'm told that's normal with Kickstarter campaigns.
We'll see, for me, watching the numbers climb is like watching God's encouragement of my labors climb. Maybe it was a stupid idea to put this fleece out there, but I'm committed to it at this point. And I'm excited about it!