Gimpel and Gumby to Papua New Guinea. That was our handles when we were younger, but it became 'going to png' We lived there for over 12 years and are back in the U.S. now adapting to live and viewing life through a much different lens. I rarely update my blog because I tend to be too long winded and I frankly don't know who wants to read this stuff anyway. I'm not sure if my thoughts help the world, but I'm putting it out there just in case it does.
no boat
With this current recording the typical pace is 4 chapters a day. Today however, I set the ambitious goal of 8 chapters so that I could finish at the end of 2 books before the weekend. However in Chapter 27 of Acts my good and fast reader started stumbling and stuttering, and it took us an unprecedented 1.5 hours to complete the chapter. I thought maybe he was too tired, maybe I was pushing too hard.
But then in Chapter 28 he sped up again. So I asked the ex-pat translator why.
He said "that chapter was a lot about boats, and shipwrecks and such. They're from the highlands, they don't have boats, no canoes, nothing. So the wording is acurately 'water vehicle' or 'water airplane'. The words exist but they are so foreign that he was having a hard time getting through it.
We made our 8 chapter goal, and we go into the weekend with Acts, 1,2Thess, and 1Timothy all done!
That's 2500 people in the highlands region who'll soon be hearing God's Word!