

Way Too

The aussies have popularized a saying 'Sweet As' . They leave the final
word off, and it's a compliment…. I suppose it means something like
'sweet as honey!'

"Check out my new car!"

"Dude, that's sweet as!"

I'm proposing an additional phrase:

"Way too"

As in "dude your clothing is way too… "

But it could mean 'way too cool' or 'way too loud' … you never really know.

For example, if I said…

This blog post is way too.

(you end up filling in the blank yourself). Way too short? Way too
inappropriate? What? I don't know. This phrase is as vague as other
phrases in day to day conversation.. like my least favourite:

"you know?"

No I don't know. I really don't know.

"I was feeling pretty… you know…. And then I went to the place, you know."

I don't know.

If we're going to be purposely vague in our speech, I propose adopting
'way too'. It'll be trendy and vague all at the same time.