Gimpel and Gumby to Papua New Guinea. That was our handles when we were younger, but it became 'going to png' We lived there for over 12 years and are back in the U.S. now adapting to live and viewing life through a much different lens. I rarely update my blog because I tend to be too long winded and I frankly don't know who wants to read this stuff anyway. I'm not sure if my thoughts help the world, but I'm putting it out there just in case it does.
Moving Day
On mobile device
This is my friend Andrew's Land Rover named 'Wompy', and a trailer he
put together from a damaged 'Zonger' trike. We moved to a house about
1km away from the old one, and are now unpacking boxes and such.
Bummer news: upon investigation I just found a rust hole in one of our
smaller water tanks. Thankfully years ago we purchased a Tuffa tank and
will install it soon. The end result is that it won't cost us money,
but we THOUGHT we were going to have TRIPLE water and now we'll have
double. This is important because we're in the midst of the longest
drought I've experienced here.
In several ways this house is nicer, and in other ways, it isn't. The
hot water situation is worse, the water situation is worse, but the
internal accommodations are better.
Every house I've ever seen in this place is weird in some way. My job
as dad and husband is to make the house livable, and keep things
working. Keep the water flowing (water pump maintenance and plumbing),
keep the electrical functioning (UPS's, cabling, check for rats having
chewed through wiring, etc)... keep the lights on... keep the place secure.
This the previous jury rig post.
ask me one day about how to turn a common electric fencing unit into a
home security device.