

Blog Series Amele #2

God's purpose for the Amele NT began to be
revealed as He broke open those boxes and distributed
His Word amongst the Amele during the two SALT
courses.  At the courses there were 480 graduates, 448
Amele NT sold, and 2,636 Amele men, women and
children reached by the teaching during the outreaches.
(Those can only be God numbers!)  What follows is the
in-depth story of how He worked amongst His Church
in Amele. May all the glory go to Him!

The translation committee drew near to finishing, so they invited
 members from other denominations to be involved in a week long
 checking of the translation.  Working in partnership with several old
 TPPS teachers, Samson and other church leaders meticulously checked
 the translation work for errors, making sure that what was being said aligned with Scripture and stayed
faithful to the Amele language.  This involvement of other church denominations peaked interest in the
upcoming course. As the book went to be typeset, church leaders started registration for the course and
names quickly started coming in. The 20 kina registration fee set by the
church to provide  food for the participants did not seem to be
discouraging many to register.  It quickly became apparent that one
course would not be able to serve the number of registered participants
and so Samson in partnership with the SALT coordinators made the
decision to run two back to back courses in separate locations in Amele.
By the time the SALT book was ready to be printed, there were roughly
500 people registered to attend!