I've always wanted to write a book. I've actually started three books. With the first two, I got several chapters in and then stopped and asked myself "Who would want to read this? Who would profit from it? Why put this out into the world?" After asking myself that, I'd promptly stop, and then abandon the book.
Until this book.
Two years ago I sat down and started writing a book to myself. At the time we had been living as missionaries in Papua New Guinea for 6 years. I was pulling on all of my experience and writing a book to the past version of me about what life is like for missionaries overseas.
It wasn't like other books on the topic, because I was writing it to someone much like I was 8 years ago. A guy who simply didn't want to read a whole lot of books about missions because they all seemed so, untouchable, unattainable, unrealistic, and unfriendly.
As I continued to write the book, I started to realize that my family and friends might enjoy hearing some of these stories. Then I thought, well, maybe some of our supporters/partners would enjoy these stories. Then I thought 'well what if people who are considering one day becoming a missionary would profit from this book?"
When I finished the book, I thought 'I have no idea who this book is for any more, it seems like it is for anyone who has the slightest inclination to be curious about missionary life.
I decided to let it sit for a year, think about it, pray about it, and slowly edit it.
This year, I decided to see if God was in this or if it was just my desire to publish a book. So, I put the idea up on Kickstarter's crowdfunding website to see if anyone wanted to pitch in for publishing costs. I told God, "okay, if this book is my doing, and not meant to get out there into the world then don't let it get funded.
It got funded.
It got edited
It got published.
It's out in the world now.
So, I'm asking for your help. I'm not out to get on any Best Seller's list. My goal is to make sure I've promoted the book enough, that the right people know about it and read it. The right people are:
Aspiring Missionaries
Missionary supporters
Missions minded people
Frustrated missionaries who need an injection of enthusiasm
Families of missionaries - this book will help you understand their world more.
Friends of missionaries
That guy who thinks he wants to become a missionary but there are way too many books on the shelf about it and they all seem to avoid telling the nitty gritty details you want to know. (I like to call this person Past Chad or 2004 Chad)
So go check it out, it's available on Amazon, and Barnes and Noble.