It's sunny out, the kids are outside playing ball, and then suddenly, the skies open up and a flood of water begins pouring down. This is not uncommon.
I am sitting at my desk, looking out my window and in the distance I see a bolt of lightning. This too, is not uncommon.
The moment I see the flash of lightning, the power goes out, and the familiar beeping of the UPS begins. Moments later the power is back on. This also, not uncommon.
KABOOM.. the thunder makes our dog jump up, run and hide. Not uncommon.
The internet goes down, as my DSL modem took a bit of a hit, but powering it off and on again brings it back to life.
I can't hear my wife in the next room talking because of the loudness of the rain hitting our metal roof.
All of this not uncommon.
So why write about it?
Because there is just something so awesome about a lightning storm (a weekly occurrence it seems), that knocks out the electronics, and even fries some of them.
It's a real life example of a comparison of God's power and Man's power. No matter how cool our gadgets, they can easily be wiped out with a single lightning bolt, and when you see that bolt, you're frozen for a moment, in awe of God's might.