


The other day I stood up in front of over 400 people as they asked me questions before they eventually voted me is as the Executive Committee Secretary.  The question asked was "how do you cope with stress?"

-I go outside, inhale, look at the scenery
-I go for a walk or a drive
-I punch my punching bag
-I listen to music
-I play my banjo
-I pray
-I vent and talk with my wife behind closed doors

Today was a crunch day.  It was one of those days when the weight of the world is trying to crush you.  Sure I could write out all the things going on, but it's enough to know that it wasn't a great morning.  On top of all that stress, nothing was working right.  Even the computer mouse was failing.

One of the major things, is that because of my new responsibilities, I now had only 6 days to do 2.5 months worth of work.  I had to finish post producing Genesis, Luke and Acts.
I got 12 chapters into Luke, I was on a roll, when I realized, I was working from the wrong source files and had to scrap all of my work.

STRESS + WASTED TIME = not a good mood for Chad.

I did some of the things on my list at lunch time.  Definitely prayed! 

After I got back from lunch I learned a new answer to 'how I deal with stress'.


Being productive is the best thing for stress.  Completing things, getting them done, getting them OFF your plate, is hugely helpful.  Not only did I finish a ton of paperwork I'd been unable to get to.  I posted Genesis, and 98% of Luke, in only 4 hours.


That drastically alleviated my 6 day crunch, so now I can proceed with much less stress.

Sometimes, the way I handle stress.... is I work.  I don't work like a work-aholic, I just narrow my focus, tune the world out, and go at it, until it's done.