Wow, I've never been one to celebrate something on the weekend AFTER the date.. I've always thought the date should be sacred itself. But in this instance we decided to celebrate our anniversary last night instead of on Weds.
As a result we sort of got an anniversary week.
Weds morning the kids did their thing
Thurs night our Bible study sang us a song and made us a special dessert.
And last night,
Kendal made a special meal, we sent the kids to friends house and spent a very nice date night at home just the two of us. She made a very tasty chicken pastry dish... and an apple turnover dessert!
We played her gift, which had a toy 'crystal' in it (not new age, it was a game called Forbidden Island... part of my attempt at having more family games to play.
So technically I gifted her the appropriate 15 year gift.
This week at work was busy. But I was honored to have the chance to fix a few issues for a neat lady translator from Australia. She told me her village home was finally eaten by white ants... it took them 10 years, but the house was demolished.
I am often honored by the fact that my skills and talents can be used here to further God's kingdom. Still I desire to do more... I've been praying lately for God to show me more opportunities to expand His kingdom and a few names of nationals have come to mind now.
So I've begun praying for them and trying to get my mind mind around how a man witnesses to a woman in this culture, I'm pretty sure I can't directly so I'm thankful I have a wife who works with me in a team.
Which brings me back around to the 15 years.
When I got married 15 years ago, I knew it was to a wonderful young woman who had such potential, and in 15 years I've seen her mature into an incredible woman. She's in her prime now, confident, able, settled, assured of her skills, still learning, Godly, loving.... an excellent helpmate and teammate.
I am sometimes unsure how she knew 15 years ago I wouldn't turn out to be a jerk, but then it dawns on me that both of us were trusting each other and God to work in us, and who we are now, is not who we would have been without God and without each other working in us for 15 years.
I know I'm a better man for having married her.
I'm thankful to my wife and I'm thankful to God for 15 years of happiness. I have never once felt like marriage was a burden, and have always found my wife to be the kind of person who lightens a burden tremendously.
It's been at good, if quick, 15 years.
But I'm not going to spend too much time reflecting on it, because frankly my goal is 55+