


this post is more of a personal thinking than informative... for those of you who like to skip such things (-;

All of my life I have been considered for leadership positions.
All of my life this hasn't made sense to me.

I do not say this with false humility, I believe I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at.

I am not a forward thinker, I am an on-my-feet thinker.

I'm not a visionary, I'm a reactionary with some tendencies to plan ahead so my reactions look even more reactiony. (-;

So then why do people ask me to be in leadership ministries, on comittees, etc.

I am convinced that people like communicators. I may be a communicator. I'm definitely not the best communicator, but I have a head start because people are surprised when computer geeks can speak normally about technology. (-; Frankly I think it's just because I'm not as smart as my super geek friends. What others see as me talking 'normal' I see as me trying to put into words even I can understand (-;

So that leaves the height issue.
I figured it was because I was tall and people figure, if you're tall, you're a leader they can respect. Yet my fellow tall men don't seem to be approached to lead as often as I am.

I look around and see people much smarter than me, much more of a prayer warrior than me, people more politically in touch with events, more decisive, more... all the things a leader should be. I'm completely content to be C3P0, sitting on the side translating and doing chores.

Anyway I bring all this up, not to put the attention on me or ask for encouraging emails.. trust me, my ego is already too high...

I say this because for multiple times now I have been asked to prayerfully consider taking on a leadership position at the branch I'm living at. I feel grossly ill equipped for the job and have repeatedly refused based on those grounds (and on the grounds that if I'm in meetings, who is watching my network?).

So this week I was asked again to consider a nomination, and this time I felt I should honestly seek prayer as to whether or not I should accept the nomination.

So that's what I'm doing until Feb 9.

Pray with me if you will.
I personally think it's a bad fit for me, and that I'd hate the additional responsibility. I also think whoever nominated me did so as a prank on everyone else. But, I will none the less be praying and ask that you pray with me and help God show me what He wants me to do. Who knows, maybe He wants me to submit to this for some reason.
