Yesterday we sold the kid’s swingset. AT noon I posted on craigslist, by 1pm I had cash in hand and someone was tearing down the big wooden structure. By 4pm the structure was gone. That was nice.
The kids came home in the middle of the deconstruction. I thought “oh this is gonna go badly.”
“Kids, remember that we’re moving.”
“and we can’t move our swingset with us.”
“and where we are going there will be new things to play on.”
“so we’re giving or rather, we’re selling your old swingset to some people who have grandchildren who’ll enjoy it while we’re gone.”
They then ran off, and were playing in the backyard where the swingset was… busy making a museum. Not a lick of sadness at all. I asked them what they were doing and they were very happy playing and said “now we have all this room to play in! We can play football, or make a museum or play tag!”
I love our kids. Another example of God preparing them for this ministry. They take change so well. My son is anxiously awaiting today when we give the neighbor his train table.
This morning at Breakfast, my daughter says “I planted four apple seeds in the place our swingset used to be. I got them from my Macintosh Apple.”
I sat there and stared at her, and thought “what mac? oh… that powerbook 100 I gave her as a toy… but why were there apple seeds in it? Did she store them in the…..OH!!! She means a REAL apple.”
That was a funny moment for me. I had forgotten my daughter knows her apple types well.