This picture is of a new friend para-gliding over the valley. The collection of white buildings in the background is the center on which we live.
We were asked to be the first to share about "how we got here" at evening church tonight. There is a group of new arrivals who are scheduled to speak over the next two weeks, and we were asked by virtue of having small children who might not be as fresh after an hour of sitting on a pew. We had ten minutes, and we shared in a very comfortable, and fun fashion about how God brought us here. It was enjoyable to listen to the testimonies of others, and to laugh at jokes that two years ago we would not have understood. There is a common bond that comes with going through similar experiences of cultural adaptation. So not knowing everyone yet, we still share a bond that brings us closer together and let's us laugh and cry together.
My son, earlier today on hearing that we were to speak, said "I would like to introduce myself on the microphone." My daughter said "I don't want to stand up there on the stage." She is not shy on a stage, last week she was in a school play, it is jsut that she is embarrassed to hear her name while people stare at her. SO, we decided she could stand, and then sit down. She was fine with that.
My son spent the hours before the evening service saying things like
"Mom if you're a grown-up can you change your name?"
-her "why?"
-son "I'm jsut wondering"
-her "do you want to change your name?"
-son "no."
So I got involved.
"Son, if you could change your name what would you change it to?"
-son "I don't know."
"You know your name is a special name, a good name, do you know why?"
-son "no."
"Because men who have had that name before had good characters and they did good things and made the name good. You have a good character and do good things, and so your name is good."
At this he smiled as if he had found a new appreciation for his name. At seeing his smile I thanked God that at least once in a while as a parent I say something wise. The words must've come from him.
"You know son, a name is either good or bad because of what the people who have that name do with their lives. If you do good things, and have a good character, then other people will like your name for many years to come."
He smiled really big and that was the end of that. He then proceeded to say
"Well tonight I'm going to introduce myself, I think I'll say : My name is Calvin and I am 5 years old and I have made 19 friends here, one of them is named Freddy, do you know him?"
my wife and I laughed but suddenly we feared giving him the microphone.
"Son, how about jsut your name and age."
son - "no, I want to say that I'm almost 6."
"son remember how we talked about bragging?"
son - "yes it's okay to brag if you're bragging about God."
"right, how is saying you have 19 friend bragging about God?"
he thought for a while....
son - "okay maybe I'll jsut say I'm Calvin and I'm 5."
So we walked up to the microphone, and I lifted him up and he whispered "I don't want to talk anymore!" So while I was holding him I said "This is my son...." and then lifted up my daughter to play along and said "and this is my daughter."
Folks clapped at that!
It was a good evening, good sharing, God was glorified in the testimonies and the energy in the room showed a true camaraderie and enthusiasm for the task set before us.